National Service Parade in Springfield, IL |
Hey girl, heyyy! |
This week was full of: Planning to start behavior sessions and cheer team coaching next week, meetings for service reserves and event coordinators, a fieldtrip to Springfield for an AmeriCorps Ceremony, and spending a whole day freaking out that I left my straightener on and was burning down the house... to come home and discover that it was off.
Ls: Umm... don't leave my straightener on.... also, the power of framing potentially negative situations as a positive (ex. "you were selected to join our Leadership Lunches," vs "you have to attend behavior coaching because you have some problems in class").
Joys: Meeting Senator Durbin, getting high-fived by random little kids on the street who love City Year, watching one student explode with happiness when I told him he'll join my Leadership Lunches, and catching one student re-reading the birthday card I gave him in class :-)